NVF Trains for VPAN
Created by Melinda Meshad, LCSW, Our Best: Boundaries and Ethics with Mandated Reporting is part of LA County Mental Health Department’s training for Veteran peer counselors. Melinda and Shad Meshad presented it in two half-day training sessions for VPAN (Veteran Peer Access Network) on October 14. Melinda’s program Trauma Informed Training has also been used to train VPAN counselors.
28 Veteran peer counselors from veteran service organizations in LA County participated. Included is training on how to establish a close, yet professional relationship with a peer, and the element of a peer counselor also being a mandated reporter is explained.
In November, Shad and Melinda will present her two-day program, Four Points Builds a STAR, also written and developed by her. That training will take place in San Pedro, on board the USS Iowa. Approximately forty participants are expected.
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