Your donation will help save a life. It enables the equipment, counselors, training, and programs to help Veterans on the brink.
We've assisted over 500,000 Veterans since 1985, and the phones are still ringing.
The emails are still coming in. We're here in the trenches helping Vets get past their struggles so they can get on with their lives.
Your donation makes a tangible difference in the lives of these Veterans. Your support helps:
- Veterans on the edge of PTSD related suicides who call our toll free/live voice Hotline as a final cry for help.
- Disabled Veterans unable to work and on the verge of losing their homes.
- Female Veterans who reach out to us regarding their own unique post-combat issues.
- Combat Veterans needing navigational advice on how to approach the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in order to file a claim.
- Veterans and their families who are trying to push through tough times.
- Homeless Veterans who need food, supplies and housing, as well as encouraging counseling from our Homeless Aid Street Team, all of whom are not only Veterans themselves, but are all extensively trained by the NVF in reaching out to these Veterans on the street who have been struggling to survive.
A Few Words from Veterans we have Helped
"I'm a Vietnam vet and had lost all hope. Shad and the NVF staff talked to me for hours. They brought me back from the edge and helped me live again."
Frank S.
"After two tours in Afghanistan, I returned a different person. My transition to civilian life was difficult to say the least. If it weren't for NVF's help I don't know where I would be today."
Michael T.
"After military sexual trauma I had no idea how to cope and nowhere to turn. The fellow vets at NVF gave me the much needed resources to function again."
Veterans commit suicide everyday.
Over 39 years helping Veterans & their families.
We help Veterans and their families.
Help save a Veteran's life. Your tax-deductible contribution helps Veterans that are on the brink.
Founded in 1985, the National Veterans Foundation has served over 450,000 Veterans through its Lifeline for Vets.
The Lifeline is a one-stop resource for Veterans transitioning from the military to civilian life. We take suicide crisis calls, as well as calls from Veterans looking for resources and information on benefits, employment, counseling, financial assistance, and any other issue the Veteran might be facing.
The NVF Lifeline for Vets uses all Veteran counselors.
Veterans need direct contact with somebody who understands what happens in combat and in the military, and what happens when they are literally dropped back in the middle of civilian life. They need contact with an experienced Veteran.
Not every call we take is a suicide crisis call. But every call we take is a suicide prevention call.
That’s because helping Veterans get jobs is suicide prevention. As is helping them find or keep housing, access their benefits, get medical care, financial help and counseling. Because becoming suicidal is a process, a process that can often take years.
The stability that our transition services provide puts Veterans on a different path than the one that ends with them taking their own lives.