Supporters Help Veteran from Eviction
The NVF Women Veteran Outreach team recently received a call from Amy, an Army Reservist . She was facing an eviction and an unfair Uncharacterized Discharge.

Amy has service related disabilities and cannot work. Her disability pay had run out. Amy suffered Military Sexual Trauma (MST) in the Army. She is waiting on service connect benefits, but was fighting a unfair negative discharge related to her disability.
Amy was $3,382 behind on rent and had been served with an eviction notice. Our Women Outreach team tried all the resources available to most veterans, including the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF), PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) and other programs to help imminently homeless Veterans. But because of Amy’s pending discharge from the Army and her unreserved financial situation, the usual resources couldn’t help.
A Decision to Bend the Rules
So, Shad Meshad, NVF President & Founder decided to go to our supporters to help raise funds for Amy’s back rent.
“The NVF doesn’t normally provide cash assistance to Veterans. We have an uphill battle every year raising funds for our core programs that help over 10,000 veterans a year. But once in while, when we’ve exhausted all other possibilities, we ask NVF supporters to help raise the money a veteran needs to get them stable. In this case, they rose to the challenge.”
NVF set up a GoFundMe campaign, and opened the project up to the public. NVF Board Members, donors and Facebook followers contributed to the campaign and it raised $2,275. We were close to meeting our goal and to stop Amy’s eviction.
Help from Patriots

Nation of Patriots™ is a 501(C)3 nonprofit organization. They work on a national level to promote awareness of and financially support the physical, emotional, and economic misfortune that our wounded veterans and their families are living with today and everyday. They work with VA facilities and many other veteran organizations to help locate and select the veteran families based on specific criteria.

Shad Meshad and Mary Ann Mayer with a check from Nation of Patriots for Amy’s Back Rent
A Happy Ending
In the end, Amy’s back rent was raised and paid directly to her landlord. The NVF team connected her with a JAG Officer who is helping her fight a potential negative discharge. When all the pieces fall in place, Amy will be able to apply for VA disability income. Then, she’ll be able to move forward with her life after her military service.
“We’re so happy with the outcome of Amy’s situation,” said NVF Women Veteran Outreach Director Mary Ann Mayer, “and the incredible support from individuals and from Nation of Patriots that has prevented Amy from joining so many of her brother and sister veterans in becoming homeless. We are so grateful to everyone in the community of veteran supporters who helped.”
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