Keyword: Collaboration NVF Partners with the Soldiers Project

The NVF is pleased to be collaborating with the Sol­diers Project, a non-profit that provides free counseling to Post 9/11 veterans and their loved ones. It’s a natural match. Our Lifeline for Vets callers range from requests for information to complex situations that call for therapy. It’s a great resource for our counselors to offer Post 9/11 vets.

Soldiers Project therapists are fully licensed mental health professionals who volunteer their services. Cli­ents are seen in private offices, not in a clinic. Best, it takes the time it takes; meaning that once treatment begins, it continues as long as necessary.

Our partnership sprang from another collaborative, the Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative, a network of public, private and government agencies that serve the veteran population. At a monthly LA Collaborative meet­ing, NVF Women Veteran Outreach Coordinator Leaphy Khim started a conversation with Natasha Medina of the Soldiers Project. That conversation turned into a dialog that grew into a partnership between the two organizations.

In addition to being able to refer veterans to the Sol­diers Project for therapy, the two organizations are sharing interns, a win/win solution for everybody.

Khim finds that meeting other providers at the LA Col­laborative is one of the most productive parts. This isn’t the first time she’s come back with a new resource for the NVF, or a new angle to help one of the women vets she’s working with.

NVF President Shad Meshad has long chafed at how so many organizations are territory-bound, describing the social work scene as consisting of silos. That appears to be changing.

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About the Author

National Veterans Foundation

The National Veterans Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the crisis management, information and referral needs of U.S. Veterans and their families. We need your help to continue. Please donate what you can to help the NVF continue to serve our Veterans. DONATE NOW!


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