Resonance Frequency Therapy (RFT)
For People and Pets
Proudly partnering with the National Veterans Foundation, Resona Health offers relief from PTSD to all Veterans and immediate family members.
PTSD Relief without Drugs
Introducing the world’s only “Pocket” PEMF device with a 92% success rate in clinical trials for PTSD. This revolutionary home solution promises to reduce anxiety, depression, back pain, asthma, migraines, and insomnia - plus 40 additional copyrighted protocols - without drugs, doctor visits, and prescriptions required.
This pocket-sized device has no bulky wires and no monthly subscription fees. It's easy to use and affordable - invented by a rocket scientist. With our proven results in clinical trials for PTSD, you can experience relief from the comfort of your own home!

This could be the most important video you will ever watch!
Ready to get relief?
Limited-time offer! Save $250 on this revolutionary PTSD relief solution, now only $149 for Veterans and immediate family members of NVF! The regular price is $399.
Email info@Resona.Health to learn more and get the NVF exclusive discount!

Resona Health Resonance Frequency Therapy Provides Therapy for the Following Ailments
Ready to get relief?
Limited-time offer! Save $250 on this revolutionary PTSD relief solution, now only $149 for Veterans and immediate family members of NVF!
Email info@Resona.Health to learn more and get the NVF exclusive discount!