Recently, National Veterans Foundation delivered the first of what we hope to be many “Survival Boxes” to homeless persons on Skid Row, with another distribution scheduled soon. Boxes contain masks, gloves, sanitizer, food and some personal care items, enough to last 3-5 days.

A gift of $50.00 provides one survival box.
Please consider sponsoring one or more boxes today. The need is immediate! Please send us your contribution today!
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Sheltering in place and social distancing is impossible if you’re on the streets. Prevention is critical for this vulnerable population and for the community at large.
For 15 years our NVF Outreach van has targeted homeless veterans, seeking them out in encampments under bridges, on hillsides, along the flood channels in the LA basin. Now our Street Team is pitching in to help all homeless in the LA area. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “Because many people who are homeless are older adults or have underlying medical conditions, they may also be at higher risk for severe disease.”
Today, we are asking you to help the NVF replenish supplies so these Survival Boxes can continue to be delivered to the thousands of homeless veterans and others living on these streets.
A gift of $50.00 provides one box. Please consider sponsoring one or more boxes today. The need is immediate.
LA has a homeless population of 50,000 to 60,000. Approximately 44,000 of those people are on the streets on any given night.

The National Veterans Foundation has provided vital services to more than 450,000 Veterans and their families for the last 35 years. But we cannot continue to provide this level of support without your help. Extreme circumstances call for extreme action. Help us expand our outreach in this time of pandemic. A gift of any size helps save lives.
Please be as generous as you can and give today!
Testimonials from Skid Row
"I can't believe you guys came just in time...none of us on this block have any protection and it has been hard to Panhandle for food...Please come back in a week if you can...we ain't going nowhere...”
“Thank you you have more boxes for our friends on the other block...we are starving and some of us think we have the one comes down here to check on us...Please come back"