- Tax-efficient charitable strategies that put your assets to work for you.
- Take advantage of the many tax benefits of making a gift.
- Support a cause that is close to your heart with a planned gift!
Your charitable gift will provide vital support for the National Veterans Foundation and immediate or deferred tax benefits for you and your family.
Remembering us in your will or trust is a meaningful gift you can give to future generations. Whatever your financial or charitable objectives are, there are flexible ways to plan a gift that works for you.

The staff at the National Veterans Foundation covers the phones for the Lifeline for Veterans and does outreach work to help homeless Veterans.
A bequest is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can help support the National Veterans Foundation. It is a gift made through your trust or will. With the help of an advisor, you can include specific language in your trust or will that stipulates a gift be made to the NVF as part of your estate planning.
There are a variety of options to make a planned gift that may provide tax and income benefits.
- Stocks and Bonds
- Real Estate
- Retirement Assets
- Cash
- Life Insurance
- Bonds
Complete our form for more information regarding Legacy Planned Giving
Plan your
The National Veterans Foundation, its employees, and its representatives do not offer financial or legal advice. We strongly encourage prospective donors to consult with their attorney, financial advisor, estate planning professional, accountant or other appropriate professionals before making any financial decisions based on information we provide through this website, printed materials, or other sources.